A.W.1. Pending

Transect walk unique ID: 2373

Transect name: Dehesa Horcajo
location: WGS84 ,

Go to “Transects” to access details on Transect location.[/frmmodal-content]
Date: 26/06/2019
Sunset time: 21:50
Starting time: 21:35
Wind speed: 1 – grass is moving
Initial temperature: 27.5
Initial relative air humidity: 38

Time Sex Activity
21:41 Male Flying
21:48 Female Flying
21:53 Male Flying
22:01 Male Flying


Changing moderation status

Start re-verification process

Carefully follow the instructions: (1) click on ‘edit’ open the transect input form without editing any details except write in a short message of the problem in the appropriate field. (2) Change the moderation field to ‘request re-verification’. (3) Go back to listing page. Begin process:


Go back to transect walk listing

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