Stag Beetle Literature

We have collected around 350 articles on this beetle to provide more information and help with your research. Unfortunately we cannot provide the full articles because of Copyright reasons but you can look them up in websites like Google Scholar Web of Knowledge or Research Gate.

If you know of any articles or publications on stag beetles that are not listed here and you would like to add them to the literature list please contact Arno Thomaes.

AuthorYearTitleReferenceLanguageEnglish abstractCountryLucanus cervus as main topic
Alahmadi, S.S., Ouf, S.A., Ibrahim, R.A., & El-Shaikh, K.A.2012Possible Control of Date Palm Stag Beetle, Lucanus cervus (L.) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), Using Gut Protease Inhibitors of Different Bio-control AgentsEgyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 22: 93-101EnglishyesSaudi Arabiano
Álvarez Laó, C.M., & Álvarez Laó, D.J.1995Análisis de la mortalidad de ciervos volantes Lucanus cervus en carreteras asturianasBoletín de Ciencias de la Naturaleza Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 43: 15-25SpanishyesSpainyes
Álvarez Laó, C.M., Álvarez Laó, D.J., Barragán-Fernández, B.I., & Vázquez-Rodríguez, J.C.1996Datos sobre la dieta de aves de presa en AsturiasEl Draque, 1: 39-43SpanishyesSpainno
Ant, H.1973Beobachtungen zur Biologie des HirschkäferNatur und Heimat, 33: 87-92GermannoGermanyyes
Arrow, G.J.1937Dimorphism in the males of stag_beetlesTransactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 86: 239-245EnglishyesWorldno
Augustynczik, A.L.D., Yousefpour, R., & Hanewinkel, M.2018Multiple uncertainties require a change of conservation practices for saproxylic beetles in managed temperate forestsScientific reports, 8: 44576EnglishyesGermanyno
Avgin, S.S., & Thomaes, A.2014Taxonomic Key of Lucanus spp. (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Found in TurkeyJournal of Entomological Science, 49: 7-70EnglishyesTurkeyyes
Avgin, S.S., Dertli, I., & Barsevskis, A.2014A review of Turkish saproxylic beetles from the European Red ListAnnales De La Societe Entomologique De France, 50: 13-50EnglishyesTurkeyno
Ayaz, Z., & ÇİFTÇ, D.2021An Effective Method for the Monitoring of Stag Beetle (Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) larvaeJournal of the Entomological Research Society, 23: 69-81EnglishyesTurkeyyes
Baraud, J.1993Les Coléoptères Lucanoidea de l’Europe et du Nord de l’AfriqueBulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 62: 42-64FrenchnoEuropeyes
Bardiani, M., Chiari, S., Maurizi, E., Tini, M., Toni, I., Zauli, A., Campanaro, A., Carpaneto, G.M., & Audisio, P.2017Guidelines for the monitoring of Lucanus cervusNature Conservation-Bulgaria, 20: 37-78EnglishyesItalyyes
Bardiani, M.,Tini, M., Carpaneto, G.M., Audisio, P., Bussola, E., Campanaro, A., Cini, A., Maurizi, E., Mason, F., Sabbatini Peverieri, S., Roversi, P.F., Toni, I., & Chiari, S.2017Effects of trap baits and height on stag beetle and flower chafer monitoring: ecological and conservation implicationsJournal of Insect Conservation, 21: 157-168EnglishyesItalyyes
Bartolozzi, L., Ghahari, H., Sprecher-Uebersax, E., & Zilioli, M.2014A checklist of stag beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae) from IranZootaxa, 3887: 422-436EnglishyesIranno
Bartolozzi, L., Norbiato, M. & Cianferoni, F.2016A review of geographical distribution of the stag beetles in Mediterranean countries (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)Fragmenta entomologica, 48: 153-168EnglishyesEuropeyes
Baudrimont, A.1931Le lucane cerf-volant. Rôle des mandibules chez le mâleExtraits des Procés-Verbaux des Séances de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 83: 116-119FrenchnoFranceyes
Beller, J.2007Wiederfund von Dorcadion fuliginator (L., 1758) und weitere Anmerkungen zur käferfauna des Moseltales (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Lucanidae, Cerambycidae)Koleopterologen (Bonn), 17: 15-18GermannoGermanyyes
Beltrán, F.M., & Beltrán, A.M.2009Lucanus tetraodon Thunberg, 1806, nuevo lucánido para la Penínula Ibérica (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 45: 289-291SpanishyesSpainno
Bessonat, G.1983Observations sur les Lucanus cervus des environs de Riez (Alpes-de-Haute-Province)L’Entomologiste, 39: 77-80FrenchnoFranceyes
Bevierre, X.1984Captures de limenitis populi et de Lucanus cervusBulletin de la Société Sciences Nat, 43: 4FrenchnoFranceyes
Bloemmen, M., & Van der Sluis, T.2004European corridors – example studies for the Pan-European Ecological NetworkAlterra: 103ppEnglishyesEuropeyes
Bormans1883Un été a Rouge-CloîtreAnnales de la société entomologique de Belgique, 27: xviii-xxiFrenchnoBelgiumyes
Bowdrey, J.1991Early Stag Beetles (Lucanus cervus L.) in ColchesterEntomologist’s record, 103: 300EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Bowdrey, J.1997The stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) L. in north-east Essex: Results of the 1996 Colchester “Search for Stag Beetles” surveyEssex Naturalist, 14: 79-88EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Braatz, J.1914Tötliche Eifersuchtskämpfe der HirschkäferInternationaler Entomologischer Verein, 27: 267-268GermannoGermanyyes
Breitenmoser, S.2013Etude de populations de Lucane cerf-volant Lucanus cervus (L., 1758)(Coleoptera, Lucanidae) en zone périurbaine à Rolle (VD) de 2007 à 2012Entomo Helvetica, 6: 49-61GermanyesGermanyyes
Brustel, H.1984Un nouveau piege a carabesBulletin de la Société Sciences Nat, 43: 44656FrenchnoFranceno
Buckland, P.C.1986An insect fauna from a Roman well at Empingham, RutlandTransactions of the Leicestershire Archeological and Historical Society, LX: 44567EnglishyesUnited Kingdomno
Byk, A., & Marczak, D.2016New Data on the Occurrence of Scarabaeoid Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in the Republic of MacedoniaActa Zoologica Bulgarica, 68: 491-496EnglishyesMacedoniayes
Campanaro, A., & Bardiani, M.2012Walk transects for monitoring of Lucanus cervus in an Italian lowland forestStudia Forestalia Slovenica, 137: 17-22EnglishyesItalyyes
Campanaro, A., Hardersen, S., De Zan, L.R., Antonini, G., Bardiani, M., Maura, M., Maurizi, E., Mosconi, F., Zauli, A., Bologna, M.A., Roversi P.F., Sabbatini Peverieri, G., & Mason, F.2017Analyses of occurrence data of protected insect species collected by citizens in ItalyNature Conservation-Bulgaria, 20: 265-297EnglishyesItalyno
Campanaro, A., Zapponi, L., Hardersen, S., Méndez, M., Al Fulaij, N., Audisio, P., Harvey D., Audisio, P., Bardiani, M., Carpaneto, G.M., Corezzola, S., Della Rocca, F., Harvey, D., Hawes, C., Kadej, M., Karg, J., Rink, M., Smolis, A., Sprecher, E., Thomaes, A., Toni, I., Vrezec, A., Zauli, A., Zilioli, M., & Chiari, S.2016A European monitoring protocol for the stag beetle, a saproxylic flagship speciesInsect Conservation and Diversity, 9: 574-584EnglishyesEuropeyes
Campanaro, A.,Toni, I., Hardersen, S., & Grasso, D.A.2011Monitoring of Lucanus cervus by means of Remains of Predation (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)Entomologia Generalis, 33: 79-89EnglishyesItalyyes
Campos, F.1977Regimen alimenticio de Tyto alba en las provincias de Salamanca y ZamoraArdeola, 24: 105-119SpanishnoSpainno
Camps, P.2016Wordt het major-minor dimorfisme bij het Vliegend hert (Lucanus cervus) verklaard door een trade-off tussen vliegen en bewapening?KULeuven: Faculteit industriële ingenieurswetenschappen: 49ppDutchyesBelgiumyes
Carpaneto, G. M., Campanaro, A., Hardersen, S., Audisio, P., Bologna, M.A., Roversi, P.F., Sabbatini Peverieri, G., & Mason, F.2017The LIFE Project “Monitoring of insects with public participation” (MIPP): aims, methods and conclusionsNature Conservation-Bulgaria, 20: 1-35EnglishyesItalyno
Carriere,J.1989Un rassemblement de Lucanus cervus (L.) dans la Garrigue minervoise (Coleoptera, Lucanoidea)Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat, 61: 19-20FrenchnoFranceyes
Chalmers-Hunt, J.M.1987Remarkable abundance of larvae of the stag beetle: Lucanus cervus L. (Col.: Lucanidae)Entomologist’s record, 99: 184EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Chefaoui, R.M., Lobo, J.M., & Hortal, J.2011Effects of species’ traits and data characteristics on distribution models of threatened invertebratesAnimal Biodiversity and Conservation, 34: 229-247EnglishyesSpainno
Chen, D., Liu, J., Bartolozzi, L., & Wan, X.2019The complete mitochondrial genome of stag beetle Lucanus cervus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) and phylogenetic analysisPeerJ, 10.7717/peerj.8274: 14Englishyesyes
Chiari, S., Zauli, A., Audisio, P., Campanaro, A., Donzelli, P. F., Romiti, F., Svensson, G.P., Tini, M., & Carpaneto, G.M.2014Monitoring presence, abundance and survival probability of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus, using visual and odour-based capture methods: implications for conservationJournal of Insect Conservation, 18: 99-109EnglishyesItalyyes
Clark, J.T.1964The stag beetle in North-East EssexThe Essex naturalist, 31: 167-172EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Clark, J.T.1965The stag beetle in north-east Essex – second report. EssexNaturalist, 31: 267-270EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Clark, J.T.1966The Distribution of Lucanus cervus (L.) (Col. Lucanidae) in BritainEntomologist’s monthly magazine, 102: 199-204EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Clark, J.T.1967Extremes of size in Lucanus cervus (L.) (Col., Lucanidae)Entomologist’s monthly magazine, 103: 24-25EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Clark, J.T.1977Aspects of variation in the stag beetle Lucanus cervus (L.) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)Systematic Entomology, 2: 9-16EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Colas, G.1962Étude d’une population de Lucanus cervus LinnéRevue Française d’Entomologie, 29: 118-123FrenchnoFranceyes
Cox, K., McKeown, N., Antonini, G., Harvey, D., Solano, E., Van Breusegem, A., & Thomaes, A.2019Phylogeographic structure and ecological niche modelling reveal signals of isolation and postglacial colonisation in the European stag beetlePlos One, 14: 44219EnglishyesBelgiumyes
Cox, K., McKeown, N., Vanden Broeck, A., Van Breusegem, A., Cammaerts, R., & Thomaes, A.2020Genetic structure of recently fragmented suburban populations of European stag beetleEcology and Evolution, 10: 12290-12306EnglishyesBelgiumyes
Cox, K., Thomaes, A., Antonini, G., Zilioli, M., De Gelas, K., Harvey, D., & Minetti, R.2013Testing the performance of a fragment of the COI gene to identify western Palaearctic stag beetle species (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)Zookeys, 365: 105-126EnglishyesEuropeyes
Crespin, S.J., & Barahona-Segovia, R.M.2020The risk of rediscovery: fast population decline of the localized endemic Chilean stag beetle Sclerostomulus nitidus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) suggests trade as a threatInsect Conservation and Diversity, 14: 107-116EnglishyesChilino
Cruysbergh, W.P.1986Het paringsgedrag van het Vliegend hert (Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus))Entomologische Berichten, 46: 103DutchnoCroatiayes
Cuni, D.M., & Martorell, Y.1881Datos para una flora de insectos de Cataluña. Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural.Anales de la Sociedad española de Historia natural, 10: 433-461SpanishnoSpainno
Cuzepan, G., & Tausan, I.2013The genus Lucanus scopoli, 1763 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in the Natural History Museum collections of Sibiu (Romania)Brukenthal Acta Musei, 8: 451-460EnglishyesRomaniayes
Dajoz, R.1966Écologie et Biologie des Coléoptères Xylophages de la Hêtraie (1 partie)Vie et Milieu, 17: 525-636FrenchnoFranceno
Dajoz, R.1966Écologie et Biologie des Coléoptères Xylophages de la Hêtraie (2 partie)Vie et Milieu, 17: 637-763FrenchnoFranceno
Dajoz, R.1974Les insectes xylophages et leur rôle dans la dégradation du bois mortIn: Pesson (ed) Ecologie forestière. La forêt: so climat, son sol, ses arbres, sa faune. Gauthier-Villars, Paris.: 257-307FrenchnoFranceno
Dajoz, R.1980Ecologie des insectes forestiersGauthier-Villars, Paris: 530ppFrenchnoFranceno
Darwin, F.W., & Pringle, J.W.S.1959The Physiology of Insect Fibrillar Muscle. I. Anatomy and Innervation of the Basalar Muscle of Lamellicorn BeetlesProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 151: 194-203EnglishyesUnited Kingdomno
de Ligondes, J.1959Observations sur Lucanus cervusL’Entomologiste, 15: 52-56FrenchnoFranceyes
de Saint-Etienne, C.n.d.Le cycle du Lucane cerf-volant (Lucanus cervus)Imago, 1: L1-L2FrenchnoFranceyes
Décobert, O.2013A third Lucanus Species in France?Scarabs, 73: 11-14EnglishyesFranceno
Della Rocca, F. & Milanesi, P.2019Combining climate, land use change and dispersal to predict the distribution of endangered species with limited vagilityJournal of Biogeography, 47: 1427-1438EnglishyesItalyyes
Della Rocca, F., Bogliani, G., & Milanesi, P.2017Patterns of distribution and landscape connectivity of the stag beetle in a human-dominated landscape.Nature Conservation-Bulgaria, 19: 19-37EnglishyesItalyyes
Della Rocca, F., Milanesi, P., Magna, F., Mola, L., Bezzicheri, T., Deiaco, C., & Bracco, F.2020Comparison of Two Sampling Methods to Estimate the Abundance of Lucanus cervus with Application of n-Mixture ModelsForests, 11: 44207EnglishyesItalyyes
Didier, R., & Séguy, E.1953Catalogue Illustré des Lucanides du GlobeLechevalier, Enceclopédie Entomologique: 223ppFrenchnoWorldno
Drane, A.B.2001Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus)(Lucanidae) discovered at two Northamptonshire sitesThe Coleopterist, 10: 92EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Ducasse, J.J., & Brustel, H.2008Saproxylic Beetles in the Grésigne Forest ManagementRevue d’Ecologie (Terre & Vie), Sup10: 75-80EnglishyesFranceno
Dudich, E.1923Über einen somatischen Zwitter des HirschkäfersEntomologische Blätter fur Biologie und Systematik der käfer, 19: 129-133GermannoHungaryyes
Dutreix, C.1973Sur une Population Parisienne de Lucanus cervus LinneBulletin de la Société Sciences Nat, 5: 5FrenchnoFranceyes
Eberhard, W.G., & Gutierrez, E.E.1991Male Dimorphisms in Beetles and Earwigs and the Question of Developmental ConstraintsEvolution, 45: 18-28EnglishyesCosta Ricano
Ebert J., & Müller-Pfannenstiel, K.2008Umsetzung von mit Hirschkafer-Larven besetzten Baumwurzeln: Eine Maßnahme zur Schadensbegrenzung für eine FFH-ArtNaturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 40: 106-112GermanyesGermanyyes
Ebert, J.2011Umsiedlungserfolg von Larven des HirschkäfersNaturschutz und Lanschaftsplanung, 43: 92-96GermannoGermanyyes
Ehnström, B., & Axelsson, R.2002Insektsgnag I Bark Och VedArtDatabanken SLU: 512ppSwedishnoSwedenyes
Español, F.1973Entomofauna forestal española: Fam. Lucanidae (Col. Scarabaeoidea)Publicaciones del Instituto de Biología Aplicada, 54: 99-111SpanishnoSpainyes
Everts, P.1903Coleoptera Neerlandica: De schildvleugelige insecten van Nederland en het aangrenzend gebied: tweede deelMartinus Nijhoff, ‘s Gravenhage: 796ppDutchnoNetherlandsyes
Favet, C.2010Le Cerf volant du LuberonCourrier scientifique du Parc naturel régional du Luberon, 9: 124-129FrenchyesFranceyes
Feldmann, R.1996Vorkommen des Hirschkäfers und seiner Verwandten (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) im SauerlandNatur und Heimat Floristische, faunistische un ökologische Berichte, 56: 33-37GermannoGermanyyes
Fernández de Gamboa, R., & Garzón, A.2009Primer registro de Lucanus cervus (Linné, 1758) f. pontbrianti (Mulsant, 1839) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) para la Península IbéricaBoletin de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 44: 533-534SpanishnoSpainyes
Fluyt, F.2005Vliegend hert (Lucanus cervus) Ambassadeur van onze eikenbossenDe Boomklever, 33: 142-143DutchnoBelgiumyes
Franciscolo, M.E.1997Fauna D’Italia Coleoptera LucanidaeCalderini: 228ppItalianyesItalyyes
Frantsevich, L.2012Indirect closing of elytra by the prothorax in beetles (Coleoptera): general observations and exceptionsZoology, 115: 12-21EnglishyesUkraineyes
Fremlin, M.2008A capture-mark-recapture study of stag beetles in Colchesterwhite admiral, 70: 18-21EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Fremlin, M.2009Stag beetle (Lucanus cervus, (L., 1758), Lucanidae) urban behaviourIn: J. Buse, K.N.A. Alexander, T. Ranius, T. Assmann (Eds) 2009 Saproxylic Beetles – their role and diversity in European woodland and tree habitats Proceedings of the 5th Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles: 161-176EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Fremlin, M.2010Observation of a female stag beetle on a freshly cut stumpNature in North-East Essex, 2010: 36-39EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Fremlin, M.2012Stag beetle sightings on false-acacia stumpsNature in North-East Essex, 2012: 76-80EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Fremlin, M.2013Results of the “Stag beetle ‘larval incidents’ in private gardens” surveyEssex Naturalist (New Series), 30: 94-106EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Fremlin, M., & Fremlin, D.H.2010Weather-dependence of Lucanus cervus L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae) activity in an urban areaEssex Naturalist (New Series), 27: 214-230EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Fremlin, M., & Hendriks, P.2011Sugaring for stag beetles – different feeding strategies of Lucanus cervus and Dorcus parallelipipedusBulletin of the Amateur Entomologists’ Society, 70: 57-67EnglishnoUnited Kingdomyes
Fremlin, M., & Hendriks, P.2014Number of instars of Lucanus cervus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) larvaeEntomologische Berichten, 74: 115-120EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Fremlin, M., & Tanahashi, M.2015Sexually-dimorphic post-eclosion behaviour in the European stag beetle Lucanus cervus (L.) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE SUISSE, 88: 29-38EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Fremlin, M., Davidson, J., & Davidson, G.2012Stag Beetle Predation by Magpies in a Colchester GardenNature in North-East Essex, 2012: 81-85EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Geraerds, R.P.G.2010Nieuwe verspreidingsgegevens van het Vliegend hert in LimburgNatuurhistorisch Maandblad, 99: 160-165DutchyesNetherlandsyes
Gerould, J.H.1933Orders of insects with heart-beat reversalThe Biological Bulletin, 64: 424-431EnglishyesWorldno
Geske, C., & Jünemann, M.2013Das Hirschkäferbeobachtungsnetz in Hessen: Ehrenamtliche Datensammlung und Öffentlichkeitsrbeit für eine FFH-Art [The Stag Beetle Monitoring Network in Hesse, Germany: Data collection by volunteers and public awareness-raising for a Habitats Directive species]Natur und landschaft, 88: 453-459GermannoGermanyyes
Gils, O.1949Le cerf-volantLes Naturaliste Belge, 30: 55-56FrenchnoBelgiumyes
Goded, S., & Otero, C.2021COMPORTAMIENTO REPRODUCTIVO DEL CIERVO VOLANTE LUCANUS CERVUS (LINNAEUS, 1978) (COLEOPTERA, LUCANIDAE) EN GALICIA, ESPAÑABoletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 68: 355-359SpanishyesSpainyes
Godefroid, S., & Koedam, N.2006Contribution to the monitoring of stag beetle (Lucanus cervus – annex 2 of the Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC) in the Brussels Capital RegionVrije universiteit Brussel: 27ppDutchnoBelgiumyes
Goka, K., Kojima, H., & Okabe, K.2004Biological Invasion Caused by Commercialization of Stag Beetles in JapanGLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH-ENGLISH EDITION, 8: 67-74EnglishyesJapanno
Gonon,R.1975Abondance localisée du Lucanus cervus L.Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat, 8: 6-7FrenchnoFranceyes
Gouranton, J., Folliot, R., & Thomas, D.1991Tubular lntranuclear Inclusions in Lucanus cervus: 3-Dimensional Model of Some Crystalloid Zones of the Inclusions by Tilting ExperimentsJournal of Structural Biology, 106: 102-109EnglishyesFranceyes
Goyens, J., Dirckx, J., & Aerts, P.2016Jaw morphology and fighting forces in stag beetlesJournal of Experimental Biology, 219: 2955-2961EnglishyesWorldno
Goyens, J., Dirckx, J., Dierick, M., Van Hoorebeke, L., & Aerts, P.2014Biomechanical determinants of bite force dimorphism in Cyclommatus metallifer stag beetlesThe Journal of Experimental Biology, 217: 1065-1071EnglishyesAsiano
Grupo de Trabajo sobre Lucanidae Ibéricos2003Distribución de Pseudolucanus barbarossa (Fabricius 1801) (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) en la Península IbéricaBoletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 32: 257-266SpanishyesSpain and Portugalno
Grupo de Trabajo sobre Lucanidae Ibéricos2018Phenology of imagoes of Lucanus species (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) in SpainBoletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 63: 159-164SpanishSpainyes
Grützner, H.1924Zur biologie des HirschäfersEntomologisches Jahrbuch, 24/25: 130-133DutchnoPolandyes
Hachtel, M., Schmidt, P., & Chmela, C.2006Zur Erfassung und zum Vorkommen des Hirschkäfers Lucanus cervus (LINNÉ, 1758) (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) im Stadtgebiet von BonnMitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinischer Koleopterologen, 16: 63-71GermannoGermanyyes
Hallengren, A.1997Ekoxe-studie i BlekingeLucanus, 2: 42-46SwedishnoSwedenyes
Hardersen, S., Macango, A.L.M., Sacchi, R., & Toni, I.2011Seasonal constraints on the mandible allometry of Lucanus cervus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)European Journal of Entomology, 108: 461-468EnglishyesItalyyes
Harvey, D.2007Aspects of the biology and ecology of the stag beetle (Lucanus cervus (L))London, School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London: 183ppEnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Harvey, D., Gange, A., Hawes, C., Rink, M., Abdehalden, M., Al Fulaij, N., Asp, T., Ballerio, A., Bartolozzi, L., Brustel, H., Cammaerts, R., Carpaneto, G.M., Cederberg, B., Chobot, K., Cianferoni, F., Drumont, A., Ellwanger, G., Ferreira, S., Grosso-Silva, J.M., Gueorguiev, B., Harvey, W., Hendriks, P., Istrate, P., Jansson, N., Jelaska, L.S., Jendek, E., Jović, M., Kervyn, T., Krenn, H.W., Kretschmer, K., Legakis, A., Lelo, S., Moretti, M., Merkl, O., Palma, R.M., Neculiseanu, Z., Rabitsch, W., Rodríguez, S.M., Smit, J.T., Smith, M., Sprecher-Uebersax, E., Telnov, D., Thomaes, A., Thomsen, P.F., Tykarski, P., Vrezec, A., Werner, S. & Zach, P.2011Bionomics and distribution of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus (L.) across EuropeInsect Conservation and Diversity, 4: 23-38EnglishyesEuropeyes
Harvey, D.J., & Gange A.C.2003The Private Life of the Stag Beetle (Lucanus cervus)Bulletin of the Amateurs Entomologist’s Society, 62: 240-244EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Harvey, D.J., & Gange A.C.2006Size variation and mating success in the stag beetle, Lucanus cervusPhysiological Entomology, 31: 218-226EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Harvey, D.J., & Gange A.C.2011The stag beetle: a collaborative conservation study across EuropeInsect Conservation and Diversity, 4: 2-3EnglishyesEuropeyes
Harvey, D.J., Hawes, C.J., Gange, A.C., Finch, P., Chesmore, D., & Farr, I.2011Development of non-invasive monitoring methods for larvae and adults of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervusInsect Conservation and Diversity, 4: 4-14EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Harz, K.1957Über das Eingraben des Hirschkäfer, Lucanus cervus (L). (Col., Lucanidae) [About the burrowing of the stag beetles, Lucanus cervus]Münchner Entomologische Gesellschaft, 6: 22-23GermannoGermanyyes
Hatchtel, M., Schmidt, P., Chmela, C., & Böhme, W.2006Zur Erfassung und zum Vorkommen des Hirschkäfers Lucanus cervus (LINNÉ, 1758) (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) im Stadtgebiet von BonnMitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinischer Koleopterologen, 16: 63-71GermanyesGermanyyes
Hawes, C.J.1998The stag beetle, Lucanus cervus L. (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in Suffolk – A first ReportTransactions of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, 34: 35-49EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Hawes, C.J.2000The Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus L. (Coleoptera: Lucanidae): A Hypothesis for it’s Distribution in SuffolkTransactions of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, 36: 65-70EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Hawes, C.J.2005The Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus (L.) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in the County of Suffolk (England): Distribution and MonitoringIn: Barclay, M.V.L., Telnov, D., (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Riga, Latvia, 7-11
July 2004; Latvijas Entomologs: Riga, Latvia: 51-67
EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Hawes, C.J.2006A Capture-Mark-Recapture Study of Stag BeetlesWhite Admiral, 65EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Hawes, C.J.2008The Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae): A Mark-Release-Recapture Study Undertaken in one United Kingdom Residential GardenRevue d’Ecologie (Terre & Vie), 63: 139-146EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Hawes, C.J.2009The stag beetle – some aspects of larval ecologyWhite admiral, 73: 20-23EnglishnoUnited Kingdomyes
Hawes, C.J.2013Discovery of a mycangium and associated yeasts in the stag beetle Lucnus cervus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)White Admiral, 85: 3-22EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Hawes, C.J.2013Response of stag beetle larvae (Lucanus cervus L.) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) to water-logged soils and floodingWhite admiral, 86: 11-12EnglishnoUnited Kingdomyes
Hawes, C.J.2016The hidden world of symbiotic yeasts in the lives of stag beetlesWhite admiral, 95: 23-25EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
Hawes, C.J.2016The Stag Beetle, Lucanus cervus the 1998 national survey – an interim reportTransactions of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, 35: 71-75EnglishyesUnited Kingdomyes
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